Nora Osman Nora Osman

The Genie is Out of the Lamp: Supersize Your Life with AI

Imagine having a personalized genie at your fingertips to simplify and enhance your daily life. I've learned so much in so little time, and I feel like I now have a superpower, allowing me to be a superhero—Wonder Woman, in my case. By tapping into the power of AI, I've ventured into foreign territory with grace, and I'm sharing a few ways I've tapped into my genie... perhaps you'll share yours!

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Revolutionizing Reality: The Sphere in Las Vegas

Really pleased to be sharing my latest article, published today on the hashtag#InstituteforDigitalTransformation 's site! This was inspired by my latest experience visiting Las Vegas's (and the world's) latest marvel- the "Sphere." This is, in my opinion, Revolutionizing Reality. Step into the future world of this next-generation in entertainment, a whole new sphere of it!

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Unlocking Tomorrow: 6 Game-Changing Tech Trends in 2024 Fueled by Generative AI, as outlined by Deloitte

As we set into the new year, let’s Dive into the evolving landscape of 2024, where a game-changing trend is set to reshape how corporations operate. Obviously we’re talking about AI, specifically Generative AI. Beyond the usual, let’s explore the interplay of human creativity and Generative AI across 6 tech trends outlined by Deloitte, promising a profound impact on businesses of all kinds. This is a short read, packing a strong punch, I promise!

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Disrupting Industries Through Customer-Centric Design

Amid the whirlwind of technological advancements shaping our modern world, Amazon stands as a shining example of how a relentless commitment to digital transformation can revolutionize industries and redefine customer expectations. Founded in 1994 as an online bookstore, Amazon has since evolved into a global tech giant, disrupting numerous retail and service industries along the way. Let’s explore Amazon’s journey in digital transformation, focusing on 3 unique examples of this transformation, as well as how customer-centric design was core to their strategy, and ultimately, to their success.

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Unpacking the New Trends: Machine Learning, AI, Neural Networks & the Rise of LLM's

Change is the only constant, and staying ahead of the technological curve is essential for individuals and organizations alike. As we embark on the journey into the digital age, understanding the latest trends in technology is vital to thriving in a competitive environment. Let’s explore some of the most transformative trends, including Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Networks, and the fascinating world of Language Models (LLMs).

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

The Future of Work: Navigating Autonomy, Remote Challenges, and the Gig Economy

The future of work beckons us to strike a balance between technological progress and human-centric values. As we navigate this uncharted terrain, it is imperative to prioritize both the autonomy of workers and the need for purposeful engagement. By learning from the lessons of the past and integrating the insights of today, we can pave a road to a future of work that is not only efficient and agile but also fulfilling and enriching. In this article, I unpack some trends and shifts in this work paradigm, and how they impact us, around the world. Feel free to share with your network!

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Simplifying Healthcare through Digital Transformation: The Role of Service Management and the Modern CIO

Digital transformation is revolutionizing healthcare and its ability to deliver quality and personalized care. By embracing service management as a critical component of this transformation, healthcare organizations can simplify the clinician and technician experience, making technology an enabler for service rather than an obstacle. From streamlining diagnosis and treatment to empowering personalized patient care, there’s a wide range of opportunities to tap into, and the modern CIO is a primary figurehead to drive that transformation.

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Why Digital Transformation is Important, and What it is comprised of

Digital transformation is the current buzzword in the corporate world, and it is here to stay. The term refers to the integration of digital technologies into business processes, resulting in significant changes in the way organizations operate. It is all about using digital technologies to streamline business operations, enhance customer experiences, and achieve better outcomes…

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Nora Osman Nora Osman

Modern uses of Technology- is IT a glass half full or half empty?

In this day and age, there is such a big hype on security breaches and how social media is completely corrupting our society, turning all our human interactions into non-human interactions. There’s a constant scare about identities being lost, amounting to a ton of confusion and financial loss…anything from monies being stolen, to healthcare transactions mounting, and credit issues galore. Schools worry about students finding ways to steal tests, and cheating occurring via smart phones/watches, and who knows what else. Rarely do you see an individual, a couple, or a family sitting together without “it” disturbing them (the “it” of course is technology.)

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