The Return-to-Office Trend: What It Says About Leadership in 2025
The buzz around Amazon’s new five-day return-to-office (RTO) policy got me thinking. Not about whether RTO is good or bad—that debate is loud enough already—but about how we’re approaching it. Are we treating it like a checklist item or a chance to redefine the workplace experience?
Why CX is Becoming the New Battlefield
It's so refreshing to finally hear more of the strategic conversations turn towards Customer Experience as the differentiator for businesses. Recently I've attended a slew of conferences and events where CIOs, CTOs and even CEOs sited CX as a core objective among their top objectives for this year and beyond! Read why.
AI Revolution in CX: The Universal Customer Experience Passport
There are so many places (gaps) in the process that I find make my customer journey, in many industries, way less than ideal. But it doesn't have to be that way. I think that in this digital age, and especially with AI, there has to be a way to consolidate, customize, personalize each person's experience. Imagine a world where you're treated as you want to be treated (no shortcut delivery, long windy roads, and pain). Ah...that would be Nirvana.
Bridging the Gap: Aligning Employee and Company Expectations
In recent years, the focus on Customer Experience (CX) has intensified. This is a positive shift, acknowledging the benchmark set by Amazon's industry disruption two decades ago. Many companies are now trying to replicate Amazon's success, searching for that elusive 'secret sauce.' However, the true key to exceptional CX lies in an often-overlooked factor: Employee Experience (EX).
Retooling Talent- Gaining a Competitive Edge with AI
This one came out of research conducted in order to present on this topic at the Visions CIO conference in late April in Las Vegas. Fundamentally, in order to innovate, you have to unleash people's minds and spirits, regardless of what age we're in. In the Age of AI, that Artificial Intelligence should serve as a super power, enabling employees, corporations and consumers to achieve their maximum potential.
The Modern CIO- Transformative & Compassionate- Mission, Priorities, and Leadership Approach
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has transformed significantly. The modern CIO is no longer solely responsible for managing IT infrastructure and implementing technical solutions, but has taken on the critical role of shaping organizational culture and driving innovation. This article aims to explore the mission of the MODERN CIO, highlight their top priorities, and demonstrate the importance of deploying compassionate leadership techniques. Additionally, it examines three noteworthy CIOs who exemplify this approach in their respective organizations
A 50,000 Foot View of the Cloud and the Strategy to Evaluating going to Public, Private and Hybrid
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are increasingly looking to the cloud to accelerate their digital transformation. No surprise there. But while cloud computing offers a range of benefits such as cost savings and scalability, it is important for businesses to understand the different types of cloud available to them- public, private, and hybrid. In this article, you'll find a simple definition of each cloud type and an exploration of the pros and cons of each from a business perspective.
AI and Generative AI- The Difference and 5 Examples of Each
In this article you'll find AI and Generative AI defined simply, as well as the history of how AI evolved from several decades ago until the present. Finally, a few examples of AI and Generative AI, to get you thinking about how to harness either or both!
Why Digital Transformation is Important, and What IT Is Comprised Of
Digital transformation is the current buzzword in the corporate world, and it is here to stay. The term refers to the integration of digital technologies into business processes, resulting in significant changes in the way organizations operate. It is all about using digital technologies to streamline business operations, enhance customer experiences, and achieve better outcomes…
7 Things I HATE about Healthcare, that I WISH Could be more like Airline Travel
In this read..I rant about 7 things I HATE about the patient experience (most times) and 7 things I WISH would be the change we see in the near future. After all, the airlines figured it out...why can't healthcare?
The Future of WORK. 7 Trends on the Changes to the Where, How, and Why of Work
Sharing 7 key trends I uncovered over the last 2 years, attending many conferences, roundtables, listening to podcasts, and thought leadership everywhere. I am inspired by these trends, and hope you too find this useful!